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(갑자기 영어단어?)
일주일 만에 전화영어라서
더욱 재밌었다 ㅎㅎ
실제 답변... 노란색으로 밑줄
이렇게 답변했다면?... 기울임 글꼴
질문...어두운 회색
DATE: May 22, 2024
통화시작: 교육 잘 받고 있어? 요새 어때?
It's same as usual.
저번주에 쓰기로 했던 문장을 사용했다!
그랬더니 힘들다라고 해석하시고,
교육이 많이 힘드냐고 물어보셨다.
Your sentence: The education is good for me.
Better Say: Studying programming is helpful for me.
Your sentence: It’s hard because it start.
Better Say: I believe it is difficult because it is just getting started.
선생님께서 잘할 수 있다고 격려해 주셔서 감동이었다..
3. What are the disadvantages of technology in our world?
여러 가지가 있는데.. 첫 번째로 폭력성이다.
익명이다 보니 자신의 언행을 조심하지 않는다.
People don't watch what they say or what they say because online is anonymous
게임이 폭력적이라서 아이들에게 영향을 준다.
The problem is that violent games affect children
4. What negative impacts has modern technology had on your life?
나에겐 없지만, 어르신들이 어려움을 겪는다.
어르신분들은 키오스크 사용에 친숙하지 않다.
Older people are not familiar with using kiosks.
버거킹 키오스크 예시를 이야기함..
Your sentence: Violence is the disadvantage of technology
Better Say: One of the disadvantages of technology is violence.
Your sentence: I went Burger King with my grandmother
Better Say: I went to Burger King with my grandmother.
Word To Practice: Kiosk
Correction: ˈkēˌäsk
Word To Practice: Technology
Correction: tekˈnäləjē
Word To Practice: Programming
Correction: ˈprōˌɡramiNG
오늘 새로 배운 문장!
It’s hard.
I believe it is difficult because it is just getting started.
교육이 처음이라 어려운 거라고, 앞으로 잘할 수 있다는 의미!
그리고 필리핀에서 유명했던 'Love Bug'에 대해 알게 되었다.
SQLD 시험을 마치고,
일요일에 2개의 기사를 모두 읽어봐야지
The 20-Year Hunt for the Man Behind the Love Bug Virus
For two decades, Onel de Guzman has been suspected of unleashing the groundbreaking virus. But he's never confessed to anything—until now.
How a badly-coded computer virus caused billions in damage | CNN Business
Hong Kong CNN Business — Wearing a striped shirt and Matrix-style dark glasses, Onel de Guzman stared at the floor as he made his way through a crowd of photographers into a hastily arranged press conference in Quezon City, a suburb of the Philippine
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